Greenlining Institute 360 14th Street, Oakland CA
Designed and led by Desi Mundo founder of the Community Rejuvenation Project and executed by Desi Mundo, Elaine Chu, Marina Perez-Wong,. Priya Handa and Lisa Max

Chase Stadium, 24 Willie Mays Plaza, San Francisco CA
©2019 Precita Eyes Muralists
Mosaic Mural designed in collaboration with Precita Eyes Muralists, Susan Cervantes, Max Allbee, Fred Alvarado, Suaro Luis Cervantes, Elaine Chu, Eli Lippert, Max Marttila, Yuka Ezoe Onodera, Marina Perez-Wong in collaboration with students from Oakland School of the Arts high school and the Academy high school in San Francisco; Hazel Brubaker, Fusako Chapman, Jake McRae, Lisa Max, Marina Rodriguez, Juan Rodrigues De Souza, Melody Sandoval
24th Street and York, San Francisco CA
©2021 Precita Eyes Muralists. Designed and painted by Elaine Chu, Marina Perez- Wong and Priya Handa in collaboration with the Richard Fine Clinic/ SF General Hospital.

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco CA
Designed and led by Emory Douglas. Executed by Marina Perez- Wong, Elaine Chu, Priya Handa, Abayomi A, and Lauryn Marshall and curated by Eungie Joo for Bay Area Walls.

419 34th Ave, #203, Oakland CA
Designed and painted by Cece Carpio, assisted by Elaine Chu, Marina Perez- Wong, Priya Handa, Inbal Rubin and Pablo Ruiz Arroyo

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
San Francisco

Designed and Written by Gene Yang. Color by Lark Pien. Mural executed by Twin Walls Mural Company and assisted by Domenico Treatunice Villeda and Charlie Boy Signs.