1900 Oakdale Ave, SF CA
Assisted by Justine Perez
Photographs by Michael Hardgrove
In collaboration with the Lodhia Family.
This mural was greatly inspired by the Lodhia family history, stories, artwork and textiles patterns. The Tridevi Goddesses are depicted hidden in each section of the wall and integrated into the patterns and color.
The first section on the far left depicts Lakshmi who symbolizes Prosperity and her animal mount is the Owl. The Owl also represents the element Wind which helps us navigate through the darkness and to see things in a new perspective. Her colors are Red, yellow and gold.
The second section depicts Parvati, symbolizing Power and her mount is the Tiger, also representing the element Fire, strength and courage. Her color is primarily red.
The third section is Saraswati, goddess of Knowledge and her mount is the Crane representing the element Water, devotion and transformation. Her color is yellow.
The last section to the far right is to honor Pranji Lodhia with the Japanese Maple tree planted after his passing which also is symbolic of new life. The Elephant represents the element Earth, grounding and peace.
All animals depicted are endangered.
Spotted Owl
Sumatran Tiger
Whooping Crane
African Forest Elephant
The three African beaded dolls in each section repeat the theme of the Three Goddesses and Earth Mother as well as connecting with the history and African American community of the Bayview.
The patterns that flow throughout the mural are from the family's collection of textiles as well as patterns we researched from different indigenous cultures and countries.
Some patterns and fabrics we integrated are from South African Shweshew, Japanese Shibari, Nigerian Batik, Filipino Binituwan, Tibetan, Guatemalan, Andean, Oaxaca, and many more!
Beginning from the threads being woven on the left and continuing into this layered rainbow tapestry, all the different patterns weave a multicultural connection of our world, the journey of life, and San Francisco.