Counterpulse Residency
80 Turk Street
San Francisco CA
Collaboration with Tenderloin community. Assisted by Diego Irizzary, David Petrelli, and Julio Badel
Our mural Tenderloin Stay Rooted is about the diversity of the people that make the Tenderloin such a unique and special neighborhood of San Francisco. The figures depicted in the 100 ft long barricade wall are all inspired by Counter Pulse dancers and artists. The figures strike bold but subtle expression in motion and are a symbol to represent the resilient spirit of the Tenderloin community.
Each figure has a different pattern that represents each of the four elements, Earth, Air, Fire and Water. We have alternating patterns with specific colors for each pattern. For Earth we have Trees, Flowers, Leaves, Roots and Home. For Air we have Feathers, Fans, Music and Butterflies. For Fire we made patterns of Hearts, Hands, Candles and Brushes. And for Water we have patterns of Fish, Raindrops, Whales and Coral.
In the background of the figures are the colors of the Sunset in a gradation with the energy of movement glazed in the background. On the bottom of the mural are leaves that represent the growth of the Tenderloin like weeds growing through the cracks of the sidewalk.
Our mural is meant to celebrate the richness of the Tenderloin and San Francisco and the resilience of the people despite the changes. Stay Rooted!